Beneficial Vitamins for Healthier Skin

Skin is the outermost part of our body and it is essential for us to enjoy attractive and healthy skin as it is scientifically considered as the biggest organ of the body. The list of phenomenon contributing to the adversities of skin is quite extensive but even a broader range of options is available for the betterment of our skin. Hence, all individuals, whether affected by skin issues or not, should adopt these efficient measures in order to ensure good health of the skin. Neglecting skin care is a self induced health hazard as this may lead to drab skin, flakes and other maladies.

What makes skin healthy?

  • Vitamins and minerals: Significant supply of vitamins and minerals to the skin ensures its health. When human skin is provided with sufficient amount of nutrition it repairs and maintains its health to a considerable condition
  • Daily care: Skin are prone to damages due to daily wear and tear; hence, regular cleansing and care for skin is significant, in order to maintain your skin quality. Washing your skin with suitable formulas may be beneficial but try to obviate harsh soaps and detersives.
  • Skin care against sun: It is also proven that too much exposure to sun rays may be hazardous to your skin. Hence, there are specially formulated sunscreens which keep your face protected from the harmful rays of the sun.
  • Diet: Diet is the most significant part of skin care program as the quality of your skins denotes your diet and habits. Hence, if you lack of vitamins necessary for skin, try to compensate for these vitamins through supplements.

Essential Vitamins for Skin:

Vitamin A:

  • Benefits: Vitamin A is beneficial for skin as it promotes normal growth as well as development of skin cells. It also maintains the health of skin tissues, immune system as well as red blood cells. Vitamin A is also a significant antioxidant. It shows significant effects on skin which includes complementing skin tone, eradicating fine lines, enhances the elasticity of the skin and invigorating revitalization of skin cells.
  • Source of Vitamins A: Known sources of Vitamin A are egg yolk, dairy products including milk, fish and fish oil and liver.

Vitamins B:

  • Benefits: Vitamins B complex is actually a group of B vitamins and is found beneficial for various physical factors. It is essentially required for protein metabolism and developing red blood cells. When vitamin B is used for skin care measures, it promotes oil secretion as well as obviates excess oiliness, truncates the possible risk of skin blemishes. Vitamin B due to its excellent properties possesses the ability to debar scaling of skin as well as prevents dermatitis
  • Sources of Vitamin B: There are rich sources of vitamin B such as poultry products, sea foods especially fishes, fruits such as bananas, green leafy vegetables, milk and other dairy products.

Vitamins D:

  • Benefits: Vitamin D also posses various benefits such as generation of skin cells as well as helps in calcium permeation. ??Vitamin D is known to impart moisture to the skin which conditions the skin surface. It is also known to encourage standard tissue development.
  • Sources of Vitamin D: Vitamin D can be consumed through fish such as herring and salmon, egg yolk, pasteurized milk and liver etc.

Vitamins E:

  • Benefits: Vitamin E is considered highly significant for the development of healthy tissues and it is also an effective antioxidant. Similar to Vitamin D even Vitamin E helps in moisturizing the skin surface. This vitamin E is also known to prevent damages caused due to free radicals. It is an efficient organic molecule which also repairs the wear and tear of the skin.
  • Sources of Vitamins E: Vitamin E can be obtained through forfeited cereals, nuts and oils from nuts, tomatoes, pumpkin, blue crab, broccoli etc.

Vitamin K:

  • Benefits: Vitamin K helps the skin by reducing bruises and truncates or eradicates the presence of dark circles.? Vitamin K is also known for its properties to cure actinic purpura which is usually found in aged skin or sometimes in case of young individuals.
  • Sources of Vitamin K: Some Foods Rich in Vitamin K are Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, lean meat, tomatoes, broccoli and most other green leafy vegetables.

Including the aforementioned eatables in your well define regular diet will help you ensure the healthfulness of your skin and make your skin look as well as feel healthy and attractive. However, intake of some vitamins in highly excessive amount may lead to some abnormalities; hence, one should follow the ideal daily recommended intake of vitamins according to age and other physical aspects. A doctor or certified dietician may help you understand your daily vitamin requirement of your body. Thus based on a strategized diet plan consider supplying these vitamins to your skin for its betterment.

Endometriosis – Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Endometriosis is the presence of endometrial-like tissues and cells which appear and grow outside the uterine cavities, mostly on the ovaries. Endometrial cells and tissues line the uterine cavity and are controlled by female hormones. Ultrasound reports show the growth of these tissues at an abnormal anatomical location.   In America alone this condition afflicts more than 7- 10% of women. It occurs when there is an imbalance of estrogen in the circulation. This condition is more common in women who are in the reproductive age. ??20- 50 % of infertile women are found to be suffering from endometriosis. It account for the hospitalization of more than 20-50 % asymptomatic women.  Causes:

  • Smoking: It has been found that smoking has a direct effect on the fertility of women. Women who smoke are more prone to spontaneous abortions and ectopic pregnancies. Nicotine is believed to interfere with the action of estrogen due to which women who are chronic smokers experience an early menopause. Due to this interference, these women are said to be more prone to endometriosis making them infertile.
  • Genetic: Females who have a history of endometriosis in the family are more likely to suffer from this is future.
  • Dysfunction of the immune system: It has been found that women who have immunological defect are more prone to this condition.
  • Environment: Studies have shown a relationship between the environment and endometriosis. It states that toxins in the environment can have adverse effect on the condition.


  • Pain during menstruation: Women experience severe pain at the time of menstruation. The pain is more severe around the bladder, bowel, umbilicus and perineum. The pain is severe and cutting across the uterus.
  • Pain before menstruation: The women experience severe pain before the onset of menstruation. The severity of this pain is high and it radiates from the back to the uterus of the women.
  • Pain during intercourse: These women intense experience pain during intercourse.
  • Low back pain: There is continuous pain in the lower back, even when the women in not menstruating. This pain lasts through the month
  • Heavy and irregular periods: Some patients experience heavy periods while others may have normal bleeding but the cycle is irregular.
  • Painful bowel movements: During the menstrual cycle, women find it hard and painful to pass stool.
  • Painful urination: During the menstrual cycle, pausing urine become pain and the woman has to stress a lot.
  • Fatigue: The patients are chronically fatigued and tired.
  • Severe diarrhea and constipation
  • Some patients also experience headache, low grade fevers, depression and anxiety.

Endometriosis can be treated through-

  • Surgery: Depending on the severity, patient can opt for surgically removing the mass. This can be in the form of
  1. Conservative surgery: Reproductive potential is retained
  2. Semiconservative: The reproductive ability is eliminated but the ovarian function is retained.
  3. Radical: This is where the women may have to go for hysterectomy i.e. , the whole uterus is removed.
  • Medical therapy: The female may be put under combination oral contraceptive pills (COCPs), danazol, progestational agents and GnRh analogs


Breast Cancer- Early Signs and Symptoms

In today’s time and age, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer afflicting women post the age of 20. In the last few decade millions of dollars have been spent on research based on breast cancer. It was estimated that nearly 1.4 million new cases of invasive breast cancers were present all over the world in 2008. The last three decades have observed an alarming increase in the number of breast cancer cases with maximum cases being reported in the developed western nations. The main reasons for this new development is said to be change in dietary habits, lifestyle changes, delayed pregnancy and sedentary lifestyles.   The cancer is more common is women who  

  • Haven’t been pregnant
  • Never breast fed their children
  • Were under hormonal therapy for a longtime (e.g. oral contraceptive pills).
  • Women who are chronic smokers
  • Recovered from some other form of cancer

Though the disease is fatal, if detected at an early stage, it can be cured and lives can be saved. In the recent times, early detection has increased the survival rates particularly in young women. Unlike other forms of cancer which are usually asymptomatic in the early stages, this form of cancer has physical manifestations, which can be detected by the patient on self examination. Therefore it is important to self examine every month.  

  1. Flat or inverted teat: An otherwise normal teat appears to have sunk into the breast and hence appears flat or inverted.
  2. Itchy breast or teats: The teat area starts itching all of a sudden. Usually women do not pay much of attention to this symptom. But an itchy teat needs immediate medical attention to rule out breast cancer.
  3. Dimpled skin: The skin around the teat appears to be dimpled and starts resembling the skin of an orange peal. This should not be confused with cellulite which is excess fat.
  4. Abnormal swelling in the breast- Usually during menstrual cycle, the breast appears to be swollen and feels tender. This occurs due to hormonal imbalance. Post the menstrual cycle, the breast returns to their normal state. If they still remain tender and swollen, it is a cause for worry and needs medical intervention.
  5. Sudden increase in the breast size: This is another characteristic symptom of breast cancer. There is an abnormal increase in the size of the breast which is not in proportion to the rest of the body. At times the size of only one breast increases.
  6. Change in color: The breast appears red or botchy. Usually it appears as if there are too many rashes around the breast. This is a symptom of inflammation in the breast (inflammatory breast cancer). This type of cancer is dangerous as it cannot be detected even after a mammography or self breast examination.
  7. Lump: Presence of a painless lump anywhere in the breast which can be found on examination of breast.

Due to increased awareness and breast cancer education, breast cancer mortality has decreased, though breast cancer incidences have increased.

All You Need to Know About Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, multisystem, inflammatory skin disease that is characterized by red, scaly rashes which are located over the elbows, knees, scalp, navel, genital, buttocks and in and around the ears. These areas shed silvery- white scabs of the dead skin.? This disease also affects the joints of 30 % of its patients.   Usually, this disease does not cause death of the patient. If the psoriasis is mild, then it is not fatal. Though, studies have shown that men and women afflicted with this disease die early comparing to those who are not suffering from this disease.  Pathophysiology
Psoriasis is a complicated disease which can occur due to two reasons

  • Genetic
  • Immune mediated

Psoriasis can run in the family. Many patients who have reported this have a genetic history of this disease.  
Immune mediated
In carious cases, the disease occurs when the person has had a traumatic experience, stressful life or a sudden shock. But it’s not necessary that the disease arises only post a trigger, it can also be idiopathic (no known cause). When this disease is triggered, it can result in a severe release of leukocytes (T cells) to the dermis and epidermis causing the scaly, psoriatic plaques. Histologic examinations reveal presence of T cells in large numbers in psoriatic lesions.   Studies have shown that if 20 % of the body surface is affected with psoriasis lesions, it has around 8 billion blood circulating T cells and the dermis and epidermis have 20 billions T- cells. Due to this there is an unregulated process which produces various cytokines.   It can also occur due to increased activity of t-cells in the skin.  
This is disease is more common in patients who smoke, drink alcohol, suffer from depression and have suicidal tendencies. It is also associated with presence of other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, lymphoma, metabolic syndrome, melanoma and cancer.? Patients who are taking potential harmful and light therapies are also at the risk of contracting this disease.   Psoriasis is also said to have an effect of a person’s mental equilibrium.? This disease can impact the quality of life and may shorten the person’s life span. As it involves the palms and soles, it affects person’s daily activities.  
Symptoms of psoriasis

  • Aggravation of chronic erythematous scaly area
  • Sudden appearance of many small areas of scaly redness
  • Streptococcal throat infection, viral infection and immunization
  • Antimalarial drug, or trauma
  • Family history of similar rash
  • Pain
  • Pruritus
  • No fever
  • Vesicles
  • Long-term rash along with joint pain
  • Cassation of steroid therapy.

Types of psoriasis

  • Plaque psoriasis– Presence of raised and inflamed lesions which are covered with a silvery white scale and are characterize??plaque psoriasis. These scales can brushes away to reveal inflamed skin beneath. This is usually found on the knees, elbows, scalp, and trunk.
  • Gutatte psoriasis– These are characterized by presence of pink papules which are 1-10 mm in diameter. They are commonly found on the trunk in the form of scaly lesions. It appears 2-3 weeks post an upper respiratory tract infection (URI) due to streptococci. ??This form of psoriasis occur post streptococcal infection in the pharyngitis, post steroid therapy or after using antimalaril drugs.
  • Pustular psoriasis– This present in the form of non-infectious pustules which mainly appear on the palms and soles and in some cases, they are also found on other parts of the body. This form of psoriasis usually occurs first as erythema then pustules and finally as scales.
  • Nail Psoriasis- these are characterized by pits on the nails which thicken and develop a dirty, yellowish tinge. On aggravation, the nails get separated from the bed.
  • Psoriatic arthritis- This disease affects 10- 30 % of present skin symptoms. The arthritis is usually present in the extremities, i.e the hand and feet and at times the large joint which can cause stiffness, pain and may aggravate to the stage of damaging the joints.
  • Inverse psoriasis‘ This is a rare form of psoriasis which in areas which are moist such as the armpits, groin, under the breast and in the skin folds. During inverse psoriasis, the skin appears smooth due to inflamed lesions, without scaling.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis- This form of psoriasis is characterized by pain, itching, erythema and fine scaling. Erythrodermic psoriasis occurs all over the body and is usually accompanied by fever, chills, hypothermia and dehydration.
  • Scalp psoriasis- This type of psoriasis affects 50 % of patients and occurs in the form of erythematous raised plaques. It results in formation of silvery white scales on the scalp.
  • Oral psoriasis– Oral psoriasis is characterized by presence of whitish lesions inside the mouth which tends to get aggravated easily. It can also be found as severe cheilosis which can spread to the skin around it.

There are various treatments available which are administered based on the type of psoriasis and the condition of the patient. The three most common modes of treatment available are-

  1. Oral medications
  2. Injections
  3. Light therapy

Oral medications for psoriasis ‘

  • Methotrexate– the patient is usually put on this drug for a week at doses ranging from 2.5 to 25mg. This drug has an immunomodulatory effect and helps to control psoriasis which affects skin, nails and joints.
  • Acitretin- acitretin is a retinoid. It is effective in treating pustular psoriasis. ??This drug has ill effects on women who are in the reproductive cycle and hence is only given to men and women post menopause. This drug inhibits cell replication by controlling cellular differentiation inside the epidermis.
  • Neoral- this is usually given to people who have had organ transplant and hence develop immunosuppressant psoriasis. This is usually given to people when their disease reaches a severe stage. It also has strong side effects such as kidney toxicity, hypertension, skin cancer and lymphomas.

Injections- injections helps to suppress the immune system and have a faster effect than oral drugs. Some of the most common injections are

  • Alefacept
  • Adalimubab
  • Infliximab
  • Etanercept
  • Ustekinumab

Light therapy- Most of the people with psoriasis show a market improvement on receiving light therapy. UVA and UVB rays affect the chemical reactions due to which the skin cells do not multiply easily and remain normal.

Taking Antibiotics During Pregnancy

Antibiotics are medicines which are taken to kill bacteria in the body or not allowing them to reproduce in the system. It helps the body to heal by providing its own defenses to overcome the infection. Women also taken antibiotics for several reasons but before taking them during pregnancy they should consult their doctor or gynecologist. Often while treating a woman who is pregnant, dentists and other doctors also consult the gynecologists or obstetricians before prescribing antibiotic to their pregnant patients. Most antibiotics are unsafe during pregnancy so it is advisable to take it only after the doctor’s advice. This chart may help you to understand better what antibiotics are safe to take during pregnancy: Due to several infections, a woman might need to take an antibiotic drug. This list will give you a fair idea of what is safe and what is not but a doctor’s advice is still necessary before self-medicating.

Penicillins Safe during pregnancy.
Cephalosporins Safe during pregnancy.
Erythromycin Safe during pregnancy.
Azithromycin Safe during pregnancy.
Metronidazole Safe after 14 weeks. Avoid single-dose therapy. Safety prior to 14 weeks not well-established.
Aminoglycosides Basically safe during pregnancy, but renal and ototoxicity are potential problems if the dose is high or prolonged.
Clindamycin Safe during pregnancy.
Chloramphenicol Probably safe prior to 28 weeks
Sulfa drugs Safe prior to 34 weeks. After that, babies may develop jaundice if exposed to sulfa.
Quinine Only to be used in life-threatening, chloroquine-resistant P. Falciparum infections
Miconazole Safe during pregnancy.
Clotrimazole Safe during pregnancy.
Quinacrine Probably safe during pregnancy.
Chloroquine With prolonged or high doses may cause congenital defects.
Pyrimethamine Safe after 1st trimester. Add folic acid supplement.
Trimethoprim Safe after 1st trimester. Add folic acid supplement.
Primaquine May cause hemolytic anemia in the presence of G6PD deficiency. You may use it if needed.

What kind of antibiotic do you need to take? There are some kinds of antibiotic medicines that are safe and can be used throughout the pregnancy. The examples of these drugs are penicillin, cephalosporin, and erythromycin. Whereas, there are some antibiotic drugs that could lead to complications to the unborn child when taken during any point in pregnancy. How much antibiotics does need and how long? It is important to be aware of the quantity of antibiotics you’re going to consume for your infection and treatment. Taking antibiotic for too long in your pregnancy can lead to developing deformities or abnormalities to your growing baby due to the medicine. Medicines and antibiotics have to be prescribed very carefully by your gynecologist after evaluating and condition and giving it only if necessary. When during the pregnancy will you need the antibiotic? For most prescribed antibiotics, they are safe to be taken if prescribed by your doctor whether it’s the first, second, or third trimester of your pregnancy. There are certain medicines that can be taken only during certain times in the pregnancy. Metronidazole is very safe once the pregnancy is over 14 weeks, chloramphenicol is also safe before you reach your 28th week of being pregnant, and sulfa drugs are good to use till 34th week of pregnancy. There are other antibiotics as well that can be taken till a certain point in pregnancy but some antibiotics are never good to be taken during this time. ??A good example of a very dangerous antibiotic drug to take during pregnancy is Tetracycline. Whether you read up on pregnancy do’s and don’ts it is imperative that you consult your gynecologist at every illness of yours so that a right medicine can be prescribed. Do not self-medicate during this time as it may lead to severe deformities for your unborn child. Seek the doctor’s advice for whatever you are going through and he will take care of the situation.

Conquer Menopause Naturally

You can eliminate the symptoms pertaining to menopause the most natural way using methods that do not interfere with chemicals, medicines or any unnatural therapy. The most common health hazards linked to menopause are osteoporosis and heart related disease. For mostly all women this is also the time for intense emotional and physical discomfort. One needs to be positive in order to tackle with it most effectively and easily. Menopause is inevitable in every woman’s life and is unavoidable to all. It is a normal process of aging and every woman faces it when the time comes. You can make your life easier during menopause by taking it in your stride. Think about it as a process ‘ that menopause means you are relieved of the monthly mess every month. This is when the period stops permanently letting you be more free and independent than ever. Your perspective on menopause will help you to face the symptoms better. Symptoms of menopauseSome women face the symptoms for long while with some women the symptoms go away even without treatment. The regulator for these symptoms coming and going are the hormones that manifest into hormone imbalance and lead to mood swing and other emotional and physical traumas. Some common early signs of pre-menopause, menopause symptoms may be: -””’?? Changes or stop of the monthly cycle
-””’?? Irritability or acute mood swing
-””’?? Headaches
-””’?? Hot flushes
-””’?? Extreme fatigue
-””’?? Depression
-””’?? Pains, aches and cramping
-””’?? Changes in body hair
-””’?? Yeast infection
-””’?? acute PMS
-””’?? Disturbed sleep
-””’?? Low libido
-””’?? Water retention
-””’?? Night sweating
-””’?? Blood sugar fluctuation
-””’?? Low female sexual organ lubrication How does on conquer menopause
Don’t waste time pondering over it rather free yourself from the hassle of the monthly flow mentally and physically. You will soon discover symptoms like hot flashes and how to overcome them. It is a matter of time but nothing is impossible. Look ahead to a life without hassles and a future of freedom and happiness. It is all a matter of balance, start with a concept ‘ balance you time ‘ balance your emotions ‘ balance your hormones. You will soon see you are able to conquer the nuances of menopause more effectively and will start to live life well again. Take time to go over the menopause symptoms due one by one and see how you can understand them and manage them to the best of your advantage. You could suffer a slight headache or a twinge in your finger but it is all temporary and easily handle-able. These are what come with the grace of aging. Since all of us face it for the first time, it may look difficult or scary but it is not. It is how you let it affect you. It is only your reproductive system that seems to have stopped working; the rest of your system is working in top condition. It is not fair to let the remainder body go off-track just because your period stops. Let menopause not rule your life. Your life has to go on like it used to. There is no need to change for this little physical change in you. You should carry on normal behavior with family, friends and your partner; the world has not come to an end. Menopause had to happen to you if you are born a woman, the face you realize this, the better for you.

Post Menopause Women Tend To Grow Fat

enopause is associated with aging. As women age the metabolism decreases and they are unable to burn the calories that are consumed through the day doing nothing. Weight gain during menopause is a natural process of aging. The extra pounds that are gained every year with decreasing BMR, along with the extra calories during the mid-stage of their life can lead to obesity. Consequences of obesity are severe as it exposes the women to a risk of stroke, hypertension, sleep apnea, cancer, arthritis, mental health problems and various cardiovascular disorders.? If not controlled, over time it can give rise to serious issues and aggravate all the disorders (such as diabetes and hypertension) which can give rise to health problems. This can be fatal or cause irreversible damage. One of the most fatal diseases which are prevalent in this phase of a women’s life is heart disease. The rates of death due to heart failure are more common than breast cancer though it is preventable. More than two 60 % of American women are clinically overweight and women post menopauses are the more vulnerable. It also a known fact that women have a slower BMR than men and as they age, their BMR decrease further making them more prone to weight gain and getting obese. It has also been observed that post menopause; women gain the maximum weight around their abdomen. This could be due to the fact that

  • Women post child births already have a tendency to put on weight at the abdomen
  • Estrogen level decrease on reaching menopause. Due to this the fat distribution shifts and there is an increase in the androgen-estrogen ratio. Once the fat distribution changes, a women’s body is designed as such that the fat accumulation is more around waist and stomach, giving her a protruding tummy.
  • Most women undergo mood swings and experience severe depression. Due to this they end up overeating which leads to piling on of the calories.

This makes it important for the doctor to be aware of weight gain during the perimenopausal and postmenopausal years as they need to be counseled on weight loss strategies. Loosing weight and preventing weight gain during menopause is beneficial for women. The phenomenon of weight gain is natural, so it cannot be totally avoided by adapting a few healthy ways which can make a world of difference. This includes working out regularly, having a balanced diet and avoiding stress. A common issue that women face in menopause is that of a bladder dysfunction. Women usually experience urine inconsistency which causes dribbling of urine when they laugh, sneeze or lift heavy weights. Due to this doctor usually recommend pelvic exercises as this strengthens their pelvic muscles and help to control the inconsistence. Controlling weight post pregnancy also helps to delay the onset of other related medical disorders such as diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis and hypertension. It’s also beneficial for the heart and helps to avoid fatalities like heart attacks and strokes. It’s not a difficult task, a slight shift in the lifestyle and avoiding stressful situations helps to keep the weight in check

Online pharmacies Make Drugs More Affordable

Online pharmacies have created a boom in the healthcare industry. From generic drugs to branded drugs, they are all just a click away. Most of these online pharmacies do ask for a doctor’s directions, but for repeat buyers, they just need a form to be filled out. It also saves on the cost incurred buy the patients while purchasing drugs from their neighboring pharmacy.

  • No follow up costs-
    In case of customers who enjoy a fairly good health, it also means relief from the hassle of revisiting doctors for the same. This not just cuts down the cost of the doctor’s fee, but also saves on the commuting expense. Most of these online pharmacies boast of free or discounted shipments to almost every nook and corner of the world. But the biggest relief to most patients from these online pharmacies is that they can access the required drug, be it generic or branded, at heavy discounts.
  • Expensive medicines in developed countries-
    The medical care in most of the first world countries is so expensive that they cripple the consumer’s financial standing. But this can make the citizens go bankrupt; the drug companies laugh their way to the bank. The same drugs and the cost incurred it acquiring them is half in most of the other countries. The sad part is that these branded drugs available in developed countries are also available in developed and under developed nations. They are manufactured by the same companies, made as per the company specifications but are available at much cheaper rates. This is cited to be the main reason for the influx of these drugs into developed countries through online pharmacies.
  • Inexpensive generic versions-
    Even the generic version of branded drugs meets similar fate in developed countries. Though these drugs have same efficacy, constituents and dosage, they are far more affordable. But most of these drugs are either not available or are highly expensive. With the advent of online pharmacies, these are now just a click away for most buyers and available at their door steps. As these drugs are cheaper alternatives to branded ones, they offer big savings.
  • Information-
    The online pharmacies have health guided and related write ups, providing complete information on health care issues. This empowers the patient to choose the products wisely while shopping online.
  • Special offers-
    The online pharmacies keep having promotional discounts, loyalty discount etc. most of the time. The loyalty discount offers repeat buyers heavier discounts or free shipments, making the drugs more affordable to them.

Appropriate Eating Habits During Pregnancy

o include grains in your regular diets as these are highly rich in fiber and vitamins and meet the requirement for both the child and mother as well. One ounce or 28.34 grams of grain contains equivalent nutrition to one bread slice, or half bun or a tortilla, a cup of readymade cereal or half cup of cooked cereals etc. One should eat whole grains on every day basis.  Fruits:
Fruits are known for their potential in providing important supplies of vitamins and other such nutrients to the body. In case of pregnant women two servings on daily basis can help the mother as well as the baby to stay healthy.’ Try ingesting fruits of different colors and mostly rely on fiber rich fruits which can help to prevent pregnancy side effects such as hemorrhoids. Two servings of fruits are ideal for expecting mothers on daily basis.  
Dairy product:
Dairy products are considered as one of the most beneficial categories of food for pregnant ladies as it provides required nutrients to both, the baby and mother. Dairy products are rich source for obtaining calcium and Vitamin D. You can intake any dairy item ranging from milk to cheese. In case you are intolerant to any of such products, you can substitute it with soy.   Other sources of required nutrients are vegetable, beans, meat and certain helpful oil such as canola oil etc, are some important sources that can help you gain required energy during pregnancy.  
As there are diet related aspects that you should follow, there are other hazardous factors that should be avoided. During your pregnancy phase it is essential to avoid junk foods which can be harmful to you and your baby. Alcohol and caffeine should be eradicated from your diet in order to keep the baby safe and healthy. Smoking is hazardous in all cases and in pregnancy it is strictly forbidden by the health experts. Hence, avoid smoking as it may bring your child at risk of health hazards. One should also avoid food which contains numerous fats and/ or additives such as preservatives, added flavors, color etc.   By followings such diet you can ensure good health of yourself and appropriate supply of nutrients to your baby.

Reduce Fat by Eating More

You can burn fat, lose weight by 50% and even more and still eat to your heart’s content. More and more people are eating right food to get rid of that extra fat instead of starving their bodies. You can effectively lose your weight by eating foods that aids in reducing weight. One of the key to successful weight loss is eating the right food in right quantity and at the right time. Do not take a refuge by going on diet as it hampers the metabolism of the body and makes us fatter.  Eating to reduce weight:
Fad diets can help you to lose weight fast but it is not advised to follow it because it is not healthy for the body and once you resume your normal eating pattern, you tend to gain weight faster. You can manage to lose weight by eating enough food that keeps your metabolism energized. According to recent scientific studies, by breaking your three large meals into five to six small meals you can lessen body fat by about 50%. Surprising as it may sound, it promotes eating more times but at regular intervals and in limited quantities. Mentioned below are easy and natural ways through which you can eat and at the same time lose weight:  

  • Do not diet and deprive body from the food it craves. Allow yourself to eat but do not binge on every occasion you get. Having junk food or a cheat meal once in a while is okay, it may increase the metabolism by the way of shock. However, remember, the article says to eat more but here we are referring to healthy and low-fat food and not junk food. Eat lots of fruits as they contain fiber and also other nutrients that are good for weight loss.
  • Many people skip meals and endure hunger pangs thinking that this will help them lose body fat. However, this is a wrong way as by starving your body you are encouraging it to store food for longer time even as you slowdown your body metabolisms. Instead, make a note of the time when you feel hungry and make a schedule of your meals accordingly. Have five to six nutritious meals everyday and ensure that the foodstuffs you consume are lean source of protein.
  • Do not avoid food items such as eggs, meats and diary products fearing that they will add fat to your body. These foodstuffs help the body in building strong and healthy muscles.
  • Include vegetables and salads in your diet rather than eating pasta, rice, potato or bread in all your meals.
  • You can eat oatmeal during breakfast or lunch and supplement your diet with some proteins. It will not only fill you up but will also help you burn body fat.
  • Have a minimum eight glasses of water daily
  • You can have dark chocolate occasionally as it is healthy and keeps a check on your craving for sweets
  • Eat whole grain breads as they are high in fiber and boost the body’s fat burning potential.

Overweight or obese people are more vulnerable to chronic illnesses like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, sleep disorders and reproductive problems. More and more people are turning obese due to various reasons like sitting in front of the computer the whole day, watching a lot of television, eating junk food and indulging in less physical activity. By altering your lifestyle and diet, you can easily get rid of the extra pounds accumulated in the body.