Effective Stress Management Techniques

By Ted ReevesJan 05, 20211442

Effective Stress Management Techniques

In simple words, stress is physical, mental, and emotional turbulence. There could be various reasons that can give rise to mental stress like physical and chemical aspects that arises due to trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries. On the other hand, the emotional or mental stress causes are innumerous and diversified. 

Many people link stress and psychological stress; however, scientists and health professionals use this term to signify any force that affects your balance and steadiness between body function. However, stress is not always bad. Many people have the opinion that mild stress helps them to perform very well in desired tasks. For instance, feeling a little stressed while working on a project or assignment often results in better work and good efficiency.

Similarly, exercising can generate mild stress on your body functions, but it provides the best benefits for your health. However, such type of stress, if poorly managed, can impact negatively. Therefore, it is important to learn stress management because eliminating stress forever from our lives is impractical. You can try different stress management techniques and methods, relaxation techniques, and other methods for controlling stress and controlling its direct impact on our physical and mental wellbeing.

Recognizing the Origins of Stress 

The first step of stress management is to recognize the source that is responsible for your stress. Your actual sources of stress can be vague. You can tend to ignore actual stress-triggering thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. For example, you are constantly worrying about work deadlines, but the reason can be constant procrastination; rather than the actual work that leads to stress. To understand your sources of stress, you have to observe your behaviour, habits, and thoughts. Unless you accept the actual source of your stress, you cannot control or manage it.

Short-term stress management techniques

These are techniques are instant reliever that helps you to calm down in stressful conditions like if you are going to get interviewed. In such a situation, you are nervous or stressed, first you need to relax so that you can focus. By practicing such techniques, you can get relaxed.


Meditation is the most useful stress management method. It is commonly recommended as it helps to focus by stimulating your cognitive functions. It can instantly provide you relief. There are many different forms of meditation. You can try the one that helps you to manage the stress your stress. You can also chant a mantra while concentrating on your breathing pattern. Besides, you can also try mindfulness, which means the presence of mind at the moment. Just try to focus on what you experience around you.

Practice Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a technique to relax all the muscles in your body, group by group. To begin with, you can start by taking deep breaths. Then, try tightening and relaxing each muscle group. Start from your forehead and keep moving down to your toes. Practicing this technique daily; helps you recognize the stress in your body, and you can work on it to relax those muscles. Remember to feel relaxed every time you practice this technique.

Focus on Breathing

Focusing on your breathing or changing your breathing pattern can make a big difference to your mental stress. Breathing techniques calm down your brain, thoughts, and your body within a few minutes. You can instantly practice focusing on your breathing whenever you are feeling stress. It is simple to practice and provides good results.

Take a walk

Exercise and working out is one of the best methods of bursting stress. Similarly, taking a little walk in your neighbourhood with scenery can help you distract from stress as it takes you to a different zone or state of mind. Plus, walking is also a type of exercise, so overall it is beneficial. So next time you want to take a stroll around your office or house to get a break from a difficult task, just go for it.

Long-term stress management techniques

Some good habits and lifestyle changes can create a good impact while managing stress, as it also benefits your health. For example, people who exercise daily tend to be less stressed than others who don’t. So it is essential to have a healthy and productive lifestyle in this busy and unstoppable world. Now let’s know some techniques that will help you to manage stress for a longer time.

Eat a balanced diet

Having a balanced and nutritious diet is essential to stay physically and mentally fit. Emotional eating and selecting high-fat, high-sugar foods can provide a momentary sense of relief from your stress, but it contributes to your long-term stress. Refined carbs, including cookies and potato chips, trigger your blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar level is unbalanced, you might experience more stress and anxiety. Therefore, following a healthy diet can help you manage stress faster and can keep it away for a long time. Foods like eggs, avocado, and walnuts control mood changes and balance your energy. 

Take out some time for leisure activities

Leisure activities are good stress busters. Yet, several people think they are way too busy to catch up with their hobbies, games, or extra fun. But building time with some leisure tasks can make you feel best about yourself. When you start feeling best about yourself, your efficiency in your work also increases. 

Laugh therapy

When you laugh, oxygen intake increases. Your heart, lungs, and muscles get an instant energy boost as well as it helps to uplift your mood. Laughter also helps to improve your immune system, reduces pain, and improves your mood for a longer time.

Talk therapy

Long-term talk therapy can help you learn about stress management. Sharing your problems or your thoughts with friends or family reduces stress. One can approach cognitive behavioural therapy as it helps to decrease negative thought patterns. You can also reach out to a professional therapist to guide you regarding stress management.