Keto Diet: 15 Foods to Eat
By Charlie ParsonsMar 10, 20211139
Amidst numerous diet plans, the keto diet’s popularity has escalated. It has become the ultimate diet for several people to achieve their fitness goals. But if you are unaware of what it is, we are here to explain it to you. It is a ketogenic diet that puts your body on ketosis mode; by cutting out carbs and replacing them with fats. Therefore, you end up losing weight rapidly.
While you are on a diet, the higher calories you consume are from fat, limited protein, and very low carbs. You must continue Keto Diet under medical supervision.
Once you have got your all plan clear, the keto diet can do wonders, and you can achieve weight loss. Because of the low-carbohydrate need, Keto Diet often helps you wonder about what foods are beyond your limits. As you almost cut off carbs, you need energy, and for that, you must select food that can replace carbs. Here are 15 foods you must eat during the keto diet.
- Seafood
Fish and shellfish could be your choice even when you are on the keto diet. Salmon and other fish are enriched with B vitamins, potassium, and selenium, yet practically carb-free. However, the carbs level in different types of shellfish may vary. For instance, as shrimp and most crabs contain zero carbs, some shellfish may contain. Remember, if you are including shellfish in your keto diet, it is essential to account for carbs when you are lowering your carbs intake.
Salmon, sardines, mackerel, and other fat-containing fishes are rich in omega-3 fats that are known to lower insulin levels and enhance insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese people. Frequently eating fish is known to associate with a decreased risk of any disease and improved cognitive health. The American Heart Association suggests consuming 1 to 2 seafood containing meals every week
- Low-carb veggies
Non-starchy green veggies have low calories and carbohydrates. But, these greens are enriched with many nutrients, including vitamin C and other minerals, such veggies are broccoli and zucchini. Vegetables and other plants are also high in fiber, but they are not digestible by our body like carbs. Therefore, look at their digestible carb count; this means total carbs minus fiber. The term “net carbs” means the total carbohydrates absorbed by your system.
- Cheese
Their many types of cheese; you might not even know. Luckily, most utmost are pretty low in carbs and high in fats. Therefore, most cheeses are keto-friendly. One ounce (28 grams) of cheddar cheese offers you 1 gram of carbs, 6.5 grams of protein, and enough calcium as well.
- Avocados
Avocados are a very healthy option. A 3.5 ounces (100 grams) or about a medium avocado; contains 9 grams of carbohydrates. However, 7 grams of these proportions contain fiber, so its net carb count is just 2 grams.
Avocados are healthy and are rich in several vitamins and minerals such as potassium, an extremely important mineral. A high potassium diet helps to transition to the keto diet.
- Meat and poultry
Meat and poultry are considered keto-friendly food. Fresh meat and poultry lack carbs contain proteins and B vitamins, as well as several essential minerals.
- Eggs
It is a fact that eggs are the healthier foods on the planet. One large egg is rich in 1 gram of carbs and about 6 grams of protein, which makes them an ideal food for a keto diet. In addition, eggs are known to trigger hormones that enhance feelings of fullness and satiety.
- Coconut oil
Coconut oil has unique properties that are suitable for the keto diet. Coconut oil contains fats, more precisely saying medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). Unlike long-chain fats, these fats are absorbed directly by the liver and converted into ketones for use as a source of energy.
- Plain Greek yogurt and cottage cheese
Around 105 grams of (half cup) plain Greek yogurt provides 4 grams of carbohydrates and 9 grams of protein. Also, cottage cheese gives you 5 grams of carbs and 11 grams of protein.
- Olive oil
Olive oil is an absolute source of fat, as it contains no carbs at all. It’s an ideal base for salad dressing with some healthy mayonnaise. Olive oil is not stable as saturated fats at higher temperatures. Therefore, it is always best for using olive oil for low heat cooking, or you can directly add some olive to cooked food.
- Nuts and seeds
Nuts are a high source of fats and protein. They contain low carbs; consumption of nuts frequently is known to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers, depression, and other chronic diseases. Also, nuts and seeds are very high in fiber as well. It helps you keep full so that you do not overcome.
- Berries
Fruits are generally healthy; however, if you are on the keto diet, it is not suitable for you as they are high in carbs. But you can consume berries as berries are rich in fiber and very low in carbs. Raspberries and blackberries have fiber that improves your digestion.
- Butter and cream
Butter and cream are good fats, which you can eat during the keto diet. They contain the only traceable amount of carbs. They do not cause cardiovascular disorders, as per new research studies.
- Shirataki noodles
Shirataki noodles are an amazing add-on to your keto diet plan. You can easily find them in any grocery store or even at online grocery shops. These noodles contain less than 1 gram of net carbs and 15 calories only each serving as they have maximum water content.
- Olives
Whole olives are very beneficial than olive oil. Oleuropein is a significant antioxidant that is present in olives. They also have anti-inflammatory properties, and they can also protect your cells from damage.
- Unsweetened coffee and tea
Coffee and tea are healthy when consumed in moderate quantity as it has low carbs. They contain caffeine that increases your metabolism rate and can also improve your physical performance, alertness, and mood.